with a thousand sets of eyes
a kaleidoscope, reshaping, rebooting with every frame
step into the sunrise, let it burn you through

It's a simple conceptual shift. Time is always in flux, contradicting and rewriting itself,
but there's no absolute vantage point from which we can say that history has changed.

stringing together event and feeling
tying a picture from knots and red string
crafting and painting until the walls sing

It's all a matter of perspective. Step aside for a moment, and you'll see remnants of false pasts and lost futures that —
one day —
just stopped making sense.

They're still there, you know. You might visit. Continue them. Let them displace the present, let some other future be lost.

with a thousand works of art
and a million miles from here
somebody's making, shaping something new

if I look into your eyes
I can see it in your mind
there is something left inside you
you're still using it to guide you

where another sun is setting
through remembering and forgetting
when you touch the sky, I feel it too

People are scared of higher dimensions. Those are simple. Any mathematician will tell you. It's not that. It's —

Imagine a city. Or a poem. Or all of the thoughts you have ever had, including this one.

That's roughly how complex reality is.

stringing together event and feeling
tying a picture from knots and red string
trying and trying to touch the meaning you know is there

tinker and play with ideas and shadows
dive into oceans of place and person
maybe arriving a little late, but
because you care, you really do care

Of course I need a thousand sets of eyes to see it. And of course those are other people's eyes. What else could I do?

Just the text

ABC notation of the sung parts

Music sheet render of the sung parts (courtesy of abc2svg)