The structure of this section was influenced by one anonymous uploader on Internet Archive. Or many that keep a surprisingly consistent style. :)

Every upload of theirs is called 'rss_something', and most have a podcast-style RSS feed file named something that collects all the audio files in a listenable format. And the something is in some way derived from the uploaded thing's name — usually an acronym, sometimes a full related word, sometimes some hybrid of those.

I was so glad to stumble onto the things they upload, but this is also a brilliant way to organise files. So I'm using it here now. Maybe with a bit more description, though.

Changed a lot since I wrote this, but it still means what it meant!

For a long time, I didn't finish this one

Distilled calm blue-grey worry, with rhymes

I love this. It has a story to it

A song by another author happened to work oddly well translated into Teegarden

Describing how something jars can help make sense of it

Working from a structure, not the meaning

A rhythm is all the structure there is here

Two voices, one higher than another

Flickering, like an old tablecloth

Hopeful space lullaby

Hopeful oceany walking song

Turns out songs can have spoken parts!

It's golden and fire-red leaves, for some reason

The last line used to halfway have 'going wrong', but that would have been too definitive

It's from somewhere, I'm sure of it! Many somewheres

A very particular direction of thought, cold night and melancholic