 3 3 with a thou sand sets of eyes / a ka lei do scope, re shap ing, re boot ing with eve ry frame /  3 3 step in to the sun rise, let it burn you through //  3 3 3 3 3 3 3 string ing to geth er e vent and feel ing / ty ing a pic ture from knots and red string /  3 3 3 craft ing and paint ing un til the walls sing // with a  thou sand works of art / and a mil lion miles from here /  3 some bo dy's mak ing, shap ing some thing new // if I  3 look in to your eyes / I can see it in your mind / there is  3 3 some thing left in side you / you're still us ing it to guide you / where an  oth er sun is set ting / through re member ing and for get ting /  3 when you touch the sky, I feel it too //  3 3 3 3 3 3 3 string ing to geth er e vent and feel ing / ty ing a pic ture from knots and red string /  3 3 3 3 3 try ing and try ing to find the mean ing you know is there //  3 3 3 3 3 3 tin ker and play with i deas and shad ows / dive in to o ceans of place and per son /  3 3 3 3 may be ar riv ing a lit tle late, but / be cause you care, you real ly do care