X:1 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D A2 | AB BB (3B2A2^G2 | A2 F4 A2 | AB BB (3B2A2^G2 | A6 A2 | w:It's like I was-n't meant to be like this~/ It's like I was-n't meant to go on~/ En- AB BB (3B2A2^G2 | A2 F4 F2 | EE ED (3F2E2D2 | D6 A2 | w:tan-gled and sus-pen-ded in like-ness~/ E-rup-ting in in-op-por-tune song. It's AB BB (3B2A2^G2 | A2 d4 A2 | AB BB (3B2A2^G2 | A6 A2 | w:like I was-n't meant to be cer-tain~/ A whis-per of a far-a-way storm~/ An AB BB B A2 G | G2 F4 F2 | EE ED (3F2E2D2 | D6 |] w:e-cho of the end-less po-ten-tials~/ In tran-sit as the place to be home