X:1 M:4/4 L:1/4 K:Am GE CA, | B,C/B,/ A,F/G/ | w:lamp-post, light-house, torch-bear-ing friend~\- you will AF/E/ DA | GE/D/ CD/E/ | w:find in the dark-ness some-where to go~/ you will FG/A/ BA | GF/G/ AA/G/ | w:see your-self leav-ing in-to the shad-ows, e- FG/A/ GG | G2 z2 | w:merge from the oth-er side GE CA, | B,/CD/ EF/G/ | w:care-ful, care-ful, a-long the road like twin AF/E/ DA | G/ED/ C2 | w:strands of be-ryl-lium, for-ward and back E/E/E/F/ GB | cB/A/ FE/D/ | w:yield-ing of the night-mares cast-ing a thread to the AC/C/ CE | [D2G2] z2 |] w:peo-ple that still feel trapped